On top of The DOC: Busra – Part 2

On top of The DOC: Busra – Part 2

Hi everyone, it’s Busra again, and I’m excited to share more about my journey as a Trainee System Engineer at The DOC!

In the past two weeks, I have made significant strides. I started training on SQL Developer, diving into daily exercises that deepen my understanding. The hands-on experience with new software tools and Oracle Linux continues to be invaluable.

One of the highlights of my time here has been the incredible support from my team. They are always ready to help and provide guidance, making my learning process smooth and enjoyable. The DOC has a vibrant and supportive work culture, which has been instrumental in my growth. The team spirit is strong, and everyone is always willing to lend a hand or share their expertise.

Last week, I had the opportunity to work from home, which was a great experience. The flexibility of remote work allowed me to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and my lovely view while staying productive. This balance between work and personal time is something I really appreciate about The DOC. Here’s a photo I took of my home office setup with the stunning view of hot air balloons I watched while working: (photo here)

While integrating into a new system can be challenging, the team’s support has been a game-changer. The best part of these past weeks has been the camaraderie and the fun moments we share, like our daily walks in the beautiful city of Weert. These walks are a great way to bond with the team and enjoy the beautiful weather in Weert.

Looking ahead, I plan to delve deeper into SQL Developer, focusing on advanced querying techniques and stored procedures. I am particularly excited about understanding more about the integration processes within our systems.

Last week, I had a photo shoot for my business card, which was an enjoyable experience, and I am thrilled to now have a personalized business card. Another delightful aspect of my time here is the weekly indulgence in delicious Limburg Vlaai (a delicious Dutch pastry)! Thanks to the frequent birthdays in the office. I truly feel lucky to be part of such a vibrant and celebratory environment.

Thank you for following my journey. I’m excited to continue sharing my experiences and learning moments with you all!

Best, Busra

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